If the license is of type "Full", then access is need only to download the license on the first run. A Full license is stored on the local machine, so subsequent starts do not require internet access.
If the license is of type User or Float, then internet access is required on every start because the license is not stored on the local machine. A User license allows a single named user to run Assisi on any machine within a domain up to the number of licenses for that user, usually 1. A Float license allows any float user to run on any machine within a domain with all float users sharing the same number of licenses, say 5.
If access to the license server is not possible, which does happen depending on general internet issues, or occasionally me updating the license server, then a no connection error should sow, not a NullReferenceException. However, if internet access is interrupted midway through a license request, then anything might happen. Let me know when these happens so I can try and make the license process more robust.
I didn't get any handled error. it was the standard VS unhandled window. If I can reproduce the error I'll send you the log.
Assisi requires access to download licenses.
If the license is of type "Full", then access is need only to download the license on the first run. A Full license is stored on the local machine, so subsequent starts do not require internet access.
If the license is of type User or Float, then internet access is required on every start because the license is not stored on the local machine. A User license allows a single named user to run Assisi on any machine within a domain up to the number of licenses for that user, usually 1. A Float license allows any float user to run on any machine within a domain with all float users sharing the same number of licenses, say 5.
If access to the license server is not possible, which does happen depending on general internet issues, or occasionally me updating the license server, then a no connection error should sow, not a NullReferenceException. However, if internet access is interrupted midway through a license request, then anything might happen. Let me know when these happens so I can try and make the license process more robust.