When creating a new database within Assisi, the code behind throws an unhandled exception.
System.Exception: File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.
The database is still created but not all of the data is removed.
A lot of people are surprised Microsoft neglects Access so much. This year I will be looking hard at going 100% SQL Server.
Thanks Rich, That makes a lot of sense. I been reading up on registry keys and the differences between them and Config files or INI files. I am surprised that Access hasn't bothered to increase MaxLocks.
MaxLocksPerFile is a registry entry that limits the number of file system locks on the Access database file. It has been set at 9500 since its debut 2 decades ago but today it needs and can be set much higher. I routinely set it at 100,000 by running reg edit and searching for "MaxLocksPerFile". The Assisi setup wont do this for you because security and best practice is to not fool with other registry entries than the ones the setup creates.
So, just run regedit, search for "MaxLocksPerFile" and change its value to 100,000. Regedit will show values in hex so us 100,000 in hex. Continue to search and change until all "MaxLocksPerFile" are set to 100,000. There can be many, like over 5 or so.