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Forest Inventory Mapping in Assisi Forest

Writer's picture: Rich HowardRich Howard

Forest Inventory Mapping in Assisi Forest

Forest inventory mapping layers for stands, plots and trees are formal layers in Assisi. This makes adding rich features for forest inventory and cruise design possible. Here are a few of the exciting GIS features found in Assisi Forest.

Stand, Plot and Tree Layers

Each layer is fully editable and easy to navigate. Assigning inventory stands to map polygons is as easy as drag and drop. Create a new cruise design layout by dropping a design on an existing stand. Assisi will layout plots in a grid or randomly using plot densities rules.

Stand Layouts and Plot Locations for a Forest Inventory
Stand Layouts and Plot Locations for a Forest Inventory

Import from KML

Export your stand, plot and tree layers from your current GIS then import using Assisi's Import Tool. Import will match stands to existing inventory stands or add them if they don't exist.

Importing a KML Stands Layer Using Assisi Import
Importing a KML Stands Layer Using Assisi Import

Creating New Stands

Drag and drop an Assisi stand onto an empty region of a map to create a new stand polygon.

Adding a Polygon for an Existing Cruise
Adding a Polygon for an Existing Cruise

Designing Cruises

Drag and drop a cruise design onto a stand and a layout of plots is created. Layouts can be by grid or random. Plot densities can be fixed or estimated by Assisi based on similar cruises. If the cruise design is a double sample, the star BAR method will calculate the measure to count plot ratio.

Adding a Double Sample Cruise to a Stand
Adding a Double Sample Cruise to a Stand

Cruise Detail Report

The Cruise Detail report details the stand, plots and field data. The stand is shown with slope and azimuth as pointers and plots with count or measure icons. A cruise design section displays all the sub plot details including individual stand overrides. All plots and trees are detailed along with any notes taken in the field.

The Cruise Detail Report
The Cruise Detail Report

Stand Summary Report

The Stand Summary report is similar to the Cruise Detail report but show trees in their processed state. Stands are shown with defect using red shading and all TPA, BA, heights, volumes, etc. reflect the state of inventory for the current year including growth estimations.

The Stand Summary Report
The Stand Summary Report

These are just some of the exciting GIS features in Assisi. Tell us your thoughts!

Rich Howard

President Assisi Software

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