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Assisi Forest 2020 Updates

Writer's picture: Rich HowardRich Howard

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

A list of the more important changes made to Assisi Forest during 2020.

Smaller bug fixes and interface enhancements are not generally listed.

Added Segmented Cone to Tree Shapes


The Cone tree shape can now have sections defined by DBH, form point, merch and tree tip. Each section is a truncated cone with taper defined by DBH, form and merch diameter and height pairs.

Added option to Not Segment Beyond Field Called Logs


When Log Segmenting = Field, Assisi in previous version would continue to segment up to the scaling height whether a log was called in the field or not. This allowed cruisers to ignore calling marginal value logs in the field but have compile results still reflect volumes to a merch properly. Sometimes however, you may want volumes from only logs called in the field as in when a tree is marked as unacceptable with no logs called. This option causes Assisi to only process logs called in the field even if they sum to less than merch height.

International ¼ Inch Correction


Assisi was iterating in 4ft steps over one less than the total 4ft steps of a log. In other words, an 8ft log would only show the volume of the first 4ft section. A 16ft log would only show the volume of the first 3 sections. This has been corrected.

Assisi Cruiser GPS


Plot and tree lat/long can now be recorded. “Target” lat/long for plots was also added so that Assisi Cruiser can be loaded with locations at the office prior to cruising in the field.

Assisi Cruiser


The new version of Assisi Cruiser is out. This version added support for all fields in Assisi along with all fields that have look up values. Now Assisi will export Calibrations, Cruise Designs and Markets to Assisi Cruiser so that drop downs in Assisi Cruiser reflect the calibration, cruise4 design and market along with species, etc. As before, most fields in Assisi Cruiser can be shown or hidden according to settings on the Cruise Design chosen.

FLIPS Import Upgraded


Brought the FLIPS import forward to use the latest import framework. Improved mapping from FLIPS “PrsmFactors” to Assisi’s cruise designs.

Sighting at Form Point with Double Samples


Processing FLIPS cruise data sighted at form point while also doing double sampling was fragile in that importing from FLIPS needs many translations to work with Assisi’s cruise designs. Mistakes were easy to make. FLIPS import improvements and clarifying the code where form point double samples are processed should improve things for FLIPS form point double samples.

Added OverStory, MiddleStory & UnderStory to Plots Table


Story fields were added to the Plots table. These fields are not currently restricted to lists and so can be any values.

Added Trees.Decomposition Field


Decomposition was added to the Trees table. Trees now have both Decay and Decomposition fields. Decomposition differs from Decay in that Decomposition generally describes later stages of decomposition while Decay describes initial stages of recent death. Both might be decomposition processes; however, Decay may describe stages more acceptable to market use or may describe decomposition while some tree defenses are still effective such as bark or not in contact with ground yet. Another distinction often seen is that Decay is a tree status while Decomposition is a log status. Maybe there is a formal definition somewhere.

Additional Lookup Tables Added


AllowedRisk - A list table for types of tree risk.

AllowedForms - A list table for types of tree form.

AllowedTreatments - A list table for types of plot level treatments.

Major Enhancements to Operations


Operations the preferred way to update inventory after actions on the ground are completed. Operations records and tracks daily activities such as planting, thinnings, clear cuts, fertilizations, etc. When an inventory needs to reflect the on the ground activities, Operations can update the inventory to create History records so that growth updates and simulations reflect the actual on the ground activities. Operations itself records information detailed enough to track daily completion and cash flow, but it also turns this into growth and simulation actions.

Added Stand Established Year


Established Year is the year a stand was first defined in an inventory. This source may be from defining a polygon in a GIS, converting a harvest unit into a stand or when the stand was first cruised. Note that Establish Year is not “biological” like the other age fields are. For example, Birth Year is the year stand trees germinated. Growth Year is the year the stand’s inventory estimates currently reflect or are quoted for. Total Age is the number of years from Birth Year to Growth Year.

Added AllowedVegTypes Table


A vegetation list table was added so that vegetation values can be mapped to codes and IDs. FVS Ecoregion and FPS VEG_LBL are both mapped to Stands.VegType codes for example.

Compile Cruise or Expanded Now Requires Selected Stands and Selected Plots or Expansions


When compiling cruise or expansion data, both the stand (blue) and plots or expansions (bold) must be selected. Compiling grown stands remains the same: only sands (blue) need to be selected.

Locked Stand Filter Added


A filter for locked stands was added to the Field Data Editor and the Inventory Editor.

Moved Calibration and Market from Cruise to Stand


Both Calibration and Market are required for more than compiling cruise data. For example, when growing and compiling grown stands. Both are now fields in the Stands table rather than the Cruises table.

State and County Codes Added


FIA (FIPS) State and county list tables were added.

Forest and District Added to Stands Table


The fields Forest and District were added to the Stands table.

FVS Not Stockable Plots Not Imported or Exported


All plots in Assisi are assumed stockable when processing. If a plot is not stockable and it is necessary to exclude it during compile, it is up to the user to make sure they are not selected when compiling or growing. Assisi excludes FVS not stockable plots during import and during export.

FVS Crown Ratio


FVS CrRatio values 1-9 are 10% increments: a CrRatio=3 denotes a 30% CR. FVS CrRatio values >=10 denote actual CR percent. When exporting to FVS, CrRatio=1 for all Assisi CRs<10% and CrRatio=CR for CRs >=10%. When Importing from FVS, Assisi CR=CrRatio*10 for all CrRatio<10 and CR=CrRatio for CrRatio>=10.

FVS History Codes


Import and export now process all FVS History codes. Codes 0-5 are live tree codes and 6-9 are snag codes. FVS History definitions must be entered into the AllowedHistory table prior to import and export.

Change SpeciesCode to Code and SpeciesID to ID


The Species.SpeciesCode field was changed to Species.Code and Species.SpeciesID to Species.ID. Having “Species” in the field name was redundant.

Added Plots to Assisi Cruise Sheet


A Plots sheet was added the Excel Assisi Cruise Sheet. Plots and details can be recorded on this sheet directly. If no Plots sheet in found, Plots will be inferred from the Trees sheet as in the past.

Added Scriptable Compiler Events


Events were added to the Compiler object processing stands:

BeforeSetup, AfterSetup, AfterExpand, AfterCompileSiteIndexes, AfterCompileStandAge, AfterSetupGrower, AfterCompileSubSamples, AfterCompileEstimations, AfterCompileVolume, AfterSave. Use these events in your scripts to respond to Assisi’s stages of compiling.

Added “No Display” Detail Level


The “None” detail level always meant “Summary only”. None was changed to “Summary” and a new None added that means no progress viewer updates at all, only status bar. Detail level None is useful to replace all Progress Viewer output (except warnings and errors) with your own messages during scripting.

Changed Defect to Board and Cubic Defect


The single tree level defect field Tree.Defect was changed to separate board and cubic defects.

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