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Writer's pictureRich Howard

FPS Import

The FPS Import Tool is used to import field data from an FPS database. The tool will read data, parse the different types of FPS sample designs and check data for errors. It then imports the field data along with sampled designs into an Assisi database.

Sample Designs

FPS supports a number of different sample designs including variable and fixed radius plots, count plots, vegetation and DWD samples. The sample design in an FPS cruise is assumed from FPS cruise settings as well as from the measurements of the field data collected. During the import process, Assisi queries the data to determine the samples design details. The results are then shown on the import form:

Cruise Overrides

When Assisi imports FPS cruises, the sample design gets mapped to a default FPS cruise design. Cruise specific details are mapped as cruise overrides. In this way each cruise has its own unique sample design. Assisi takes care of assigning all the different types of field data, BAFs, radius, double samples, etc to their correct Assisi sub plots and overrides for each cruise.

Double Sampling

Double sampling refers to a sampling process where a sample of tree counts is used to adjust a separate sample of volume and basal area. Double sampling typically comes in one of two forms: count plots or big BAF. Assisi supports both count plot double samples and big BAF double samples. Both can be used in the same cruise with tree records separated by species or size classes. FPS supports double samples using fixed or variable radius count plots. The Import Tool will determine if a double sample is present and assign trees to either the variable or fixed radius count tree sub plot as appropriate.

Sub Sampling

Sub sampling refers to using measured tree heights to estimate the height of unmeasured trees. Assisi can use these sub samples to regress missing heights or to calibrate its various height estimation models. FPS supports sub sampled and estimated heights as well. After FPS data are imported, any of the available Assisi methods can be used to process sub samples and height estimations.

Empty and Half Plots

Assisi stores empty plots as a plot record with no tree records attached. FPS flags a plot as an empty plot when a tree record is present with a count of 0. Assisi will import the empty plot as a plot record, but leave the tree record behind.

Half plots in FPS are plots with a negative plot ID. Assisi flags plots as half plots using the IsHalfPlot field. The Import Tool converts all plot Ids to positive numbers than sets the IsHalfPlot field to true for negative FPS plot Ids.


Assisi imports most of the important tree level values including DBH, species, BH and tot age, taper, total and crown heights, damages and defects:

Group and Status Codes

The FPS group and status codes are used to trigger various processing options as well as flag records as trees, vegetation or snags. Assisi stores codes in many places and will interpret FPS codes on import and set appropriate flags. Group and status codes that have formal definitions in Assisi are stored where appropriate in Assisi. Codes that have user defined meanings are imported as silvicultural codes so they can still be used for custom analysis in Assisi.

Logs and Section Defects

FPS defect can come in 2 flavors: by 1/3 tree sections or by log. When tree defect is entered, Assisi imports these as 1/3 sections where defect is applied to the logs within at compile time. If no defect is entered, Assisi will import any logs that are present. Logs can be variable or fixed length, include length and diameter deductions and have defect and grade attached.

The FPS import tool is smart and easy to use. Whether you are transferring data to Assisi or just want to run your field data through ORGANON or other growth models in Assisi, you will have a convenient and fast way of transferring data from FPS to Assisi.

Rich Howard

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